5 immigration concerns best resolved with immigration lawyers

Hiring an immigration lawyer may involve additional costs. However, many fail to understand that partnering with a reliable immigration lawyer is akin to having an added layer of protection against injustices and unnecessary costs. Since immigration is a complex subject, non-experts easily commit mistakes and incur more costs. Whenever you are involved in the following scenarios, please consider hiring an immigration lawyer:

1. Green Card Application

Many want to acquire a Green Card, but they do not know how. Suppose you are unaware of the eligibility requirements and other technical matters involving the process of applying and getting a Green Card. In that case, it is best to get in touch with an immigration lawyer. They have the professional skills to handle the matter at hand.

2. Naturalization

Acquiring U.S. Citizenship is an entirely different matter. Just like applying for a Green Card, it is better to hire an immigration lawyer for this concern. Missing one of the requirements or skipping any of the processes can ultimately result in a denial. Once denied, an applicant may have lower chances of approval the next time.

3. Employment Concerns

Getting regular employment in the United States can be challenging for noncitizen employees. With changes in rules and requirements, it is easy to lose one’s job. The rules and requirements can be stricter if one applies for permanent residency and other benefits. For employers, sponsoring noncitizen employees can be a daunting task. Immigration lawyers have the skills and connections to simplify this matter.

4. Clerical Concerns

Almost every step in immigration-related procedures involves a specific form. It is easy to commit clerical errors if you do not have experience and technical knowledge dealing with these documents. Take note that the USCIS is getting stricter with form submissions. Consult immigration lawyers to verify your concerns about forms and other necessary documents.

5. Cases Before the USCIS

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is the country’s agency that handles concerns relating to naturalization and immigration systems. One of its primary functions is to settle immigration-related litigations. Typically, applicants worry about deportation and removal proceedings. In choosing someone to represent you in cases before the USCIS, the agency reminds the public to only seek legal services from lawyers.

ALG Lawyers is committed to providing nothing but the best to our clients. Our Los Angeles immigration lawyers team consistently delivered outstanding results throughout the years. Besides our excellent performance, we also take pride in our compassion and credibility. We will handle your immigration concerns as if they were our own.

Schedule a Consultation with Us!

(Please note that this article does not create an Attorney-Client relationship between our law firm and the reader and is provided for informational purposes only. Information in this article does not apply to all readers. Readers should not rely on this information as legal advice and should seek specific counsel from a qualified attorney based on their individual circumstances. Thank you.)