Five Basic Facts About The US Green Card

Supposedly, the USCIS may issue up to 140,000 employment-based and 226,000 family-based green cards every fiscal year. However, during the pandemic, these numbers were not met as many USCIS offices closed or were at reduced capacity. The agency generated hundreds of thousands worth of backlogs.

Notably, for FY 2022, the USCIS issued a total of 275,111 employment-based green cards. The added slots were taken from the unused family-based green cards from the previous fiscal year.

If you to attain permanent residency someday, it is critical to learn about green card facts and be updated with its developments. Being unaware or misinformed may adversely affect your chances of successful immigration.

What Is a Green Card

Before talking about the intricacies involving green cards, it is important to ask, “what is a green card?” The other name for green card is Permanent Resident Card. USCIS issues this authorization to eligible non-citizens intending to permanently reside and establish employment within the United States. It is treated as an elusive entry key to the American Dream, considering there are multiple processes that a person should go through before getting one.

There are many green card eligibility categories and each require a specific procedure. Since the USCIS is strict with its processes, it is always best for applicants to be meticulous with their submissions and avoid clerical mistakes at all times. Otherwise, your application will be returned and denied.

Besides knowing what a green card is and effects, it is also crucial to learn its potential effects on others, like your spouse and children. Always aim to learn from legitimate sources because not everything you read from the Internet offer valuable and verifiable information. Unfortunately, many people already fall for the common misconceptions surrounding green cards.

At ALG Lawyers, we will keep you informed and updated about your green card application. We are more than willing to clarify your immigration-related queries.

Benefits of Having a Green Card

Besides having access to permanent residency in the United States, the green card can offer life-changing benefits to successful applicants. For a more in-depth discussion of the said benefits, click this page.

In summary, these are the top benefits of acquiring a green card:

1. Eligibility to work within the United States

2. Eligibility for social security benefits

3. Access to US public and private schools

4. Better chances of employment, especially since many companies prefer hiring residents over non-residents

5. Freedom to travel in-between borders

6. Freedom to choose place of residency

7. Ability to petition for spouse and children

5 Basic Facts About the US Green Card

Here are some of the most noteworthy facts about green cards:

1. Green Cards Can Be Temporary and Conditional

Despite being named permanent, green cards have expiration dates. Most green cards expire within 10 years since the date of issuance. You may find the expiry date on the front side of the card that says “card expires.”

It can also be conditional depending on the type of visa an immigrant applies for. In fact, all grantees are conditional permanent residents for two (2) years. They must comply with the attached conditions within ninety (90) days of the card’s expiration date.

2. Green Cards Require Renewal

As previously mentioned, most green cards expire every ten years. Before the expiration date comes, you should apply for renewal if you wish to maintain your permanent residency in the United States. Ideally, holders should renew within the six (6) months window of the card’s expiration date.

The USCIS may update green cards’ designs and formats often. Those who have an old version should also update them upon renewal. If you have queries about green card renewal, do not hesitate to reach out ALG Lawyers.

3. Green Cards Can Be Revoked

Green card holders must live within the bounds of the law to preserve their lawful permanent residency in the United States. By acting maliciously and committing crimes specified by the Immigration Law, the government may revoke any green card and remove their holders from the country via deportation.

Some of the specific grounds that may cause the revocation of your green card includes:

  • Immigration fraud, especially when you contract a marriage to bypass US immigration laws
  • Inability to prove one’s permanent residence or there is an abandonment of permanent residence
  • Failure to advise of a change of address

4. Green Card Holders May Not Leave America For Too Long

As much as possible, Green Card holders have to stay in the United States. They may not leave the country with the intention to stay outside the U.S. for one (1) year or more. Otherwise, they may lose their permanent residency due to abandonment.

5. Green Card Holders May Sponsor Relatives

Green Card holders can also bring their spouse, minor children, and unmarried adult children to the United States. Fortunately, unlike other pathways, there is no limit to the number of visa issuances for immediate family members per year. To learn more about this procedure, seek the assistance of an immigration attorney.

Responsibilities of a Green Card Holder

Being a green card holder also involves the fulfillment of specific duties and observance of particular standards. Failure to keep said duties and standards may result in the revocation of your green card. Take note of the following to avoid dire results:

1. Observe all US national and local laws.

2. File income tax returns and report income to the US Internal Revenue Service and other state taxing authorities.

3. Support a democratic form of government and avoid actions that go against it.

4. If you are a male aged 18 to 25 years old, register register with the Selective Service.

Expert Green Card Lawyers in Los Angeles, CA

Seeking help from experienced professionals makes the green card process less complicated. ALG Lawyers is a trusted immigration law firm from Los Angeles, California that helps immigrants become permanent residents as seamlessly as possible. We make it our mission to be present in every step and be responsive to all our clients’ queries.

Hiring immigration lawyers makes a lot of difference. Besides gaining insights on various concerns, we can also help you get things done right the first time. We know how valuable your time and resources are so we make sure that all our recommendations are well-studied and based on existing legal standards.